What Guides Us

Our Principles

The Ombuds Office adheres to the International Ombuds Association Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice. These tenets require the Ombuds Office to be confidential, to function independently within the organization, to be neutral and to decline participation in formal processes.  


To create a safe place to discuss concerns, the Ombuds Office maintains strict privacy of all communications with those seeking its confidential services. Specifically, the Ombuds Office will not disclose confidential information in any formal, administrative, or legal matter to the maximum extent permitted by law. The Office does not retain identifying records. Communications with the Office are made with the understanding that they are off-the-record, and those using the confidential services of the office will not request that any ombuds testify as a witness in any formal or legal proceeding. The exception to confidentiality is imminent risk of serious harm or with expressed permission.


The Ombuds Office considers the interests, concerns, rights, and perspectives of all parties and works in a neutral and unbiased way to help people explore fair and equitable options toward resolution. The Ombuds does not side with or advocate for individuals.


The use of the Ombuds Office is always voluntary and off-the-record. The Ombuds Office’s services are separate from, and never a required step of, formal dispute resolution channels. The Office does not make business or policy decisions, adjudicate issues, or participate in any formal process. The Ombuds Office does not receive notice for UC Davis. By telling a person at the office about a dispute or concern, including alleged harassment or discrimination, the University has not been informed and will not take action. The Ombuds may refer to the appropriate office(s) for administrative or formal grievance processes if relevant.


The Ombuds Office exercises sole discretion over whether or how to engage regarding an individual concern, a specific case, a problematic trend, concerns of multiple individuals over time, or an issue identified by direct observation. The Ombuds Office can choose to withdraw or end involvement in matters at any time. The Ombuds Office reports to the Office of the Chancellor and Provost for administrative and budgetary purposes only and operates without influence from any unit.